"Wired"artistamp design by Mick Mather
At the end of the last century I was busily creating artist postage stamps - or, artistamps as they're called in The Eternal Network. Deja Vu says that I've talked about these before and I'd happily provide a link back if I could remember where the other post on these artist-created commemoratives resides. Anyway, the theme at Illustration Friday this week, wired, seems tailor made for this issue, called "Chip Happens", and here's a block-of-4. Feel free to capture this image and print it out for any personal use that suits you...mail them, collect them, stick them up on the fridge, your cork board at work, whatever. If you do, send me a photo as a jpg file and I'll put up a new set at flickr. Labels: artistamp, artists' postage stamp, block-of-4, chip happens, commemorative, Eternal Network, Illustration Friday, postage stamp, stamp collecting, wired
Interesting contrast. Stamps full of computer chips to send 'old-fashioned' communications by post. Fun! :)
This is a brilliant idea Mick. Nice job!
Darice: Thanks so much..."fun" is surely the word that I'd use with these. I'm delighted that you said so. I was also reading the post about cleaning out the art closet over at your place. I don't have the courage (sigh).
Steve: Many thanks for your comment too! I skipped through most of the blogs you've got going and had a grand time of it this morning. I like what you're doing with your own photographs (perhaps a collaboration 'twixt the two of us there, somehow?) and I especially enjoyed the group effort in "the way we were".
Neat idea. I'm also a Syracuse-area artist. I own a portrait business in the University area. Thought I would pop by to say hello.
Hi Mia: Thanks very much for the visit. I stopped back by your place to return the favor and enjoyed your pet portraits very much. I used to have a Cocker Spaniel that had epilepsy; the poor fellow suffered through a half dozen years of progressively more frequent seizures. On a brighter note, you really captured the essence of Sunny.
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